Install Labelme as App
You need to be a Starter or Pro member to access the full content of this.
If you have Labelme Starter or Pro, you can simply download Labelme as app:
for Windows, -
for macOS.
Download the app
Download the app for your operation system. (sign-in required 🔒)
- Download Windows app
- Download macOS app (Intel Chip)
- Download macOS app (Apple Silicon)
- Download Linux app (coming soon)

For the detailed steps, follow the below instructions:
Installation steps for Windows
1. Download the installer and extract the zip file: 'Extract All...'.

2. Run Labelme.exe
in the extracted folder.

Installation steps for macOS
1. Check if your mac is with Intel chip or Apple Silicon, and download the corresponding installer.
2. Extract the zip file to a Labelme.dmg
opening with 'Archive'.

3. Open the dmg file and move
to the Applications folder.

4. Open the
from the Applications folder.